Definition of rational conditions for fractional crystallization of palmitic sunflower oil from melt
fractional crystallization, palmitic sunflower oil, melt, orthogonal composite designAbstract
The paper deals with defining rational conditions of fractional crystallization of palmitic sunflower oil from the melt. Modification of fats by fractionation method allows splitting fats and oils into fractions with different degrees of hardness, melting temperatures and various compositions of triacylglycerines. Thorough selection of operation parameters is required for each kind of raw materials. The objective of the work is defining optimal operation parameters of fractional crystallization of palmitic sunflower oil from the melt. The selection of rational conditions for the fractional crystallization was carried out using the method of mathematical planning of experiments. Response function values and regression equations were obtained, which accurately describe the response surface. The research results will be used in further studying the regularities of saturated sunflower oil fractionation using the method of crystallization from the melt, involving some additional substances for the process intensificationReferences
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