Modeling of the transport and production complex in the growing of agricultural crops, taking into account the aviation component




technological process, No-till technology, subsystem, set of operations, types of resources, process chart, aviation equipment, ground equipment


Studies of the transport and technological process of growing crops revealed that it is a complex dynamic system. It is proved that the complexity of this system consists in the presence of a large number of heterogeneous subsystems, including transport, which is an important component for growing crops. Due to the system approach to the study of transport support of the crop growing process, it became possible to identify functional features of using ground and aviation vehicles. The properties of each stage of the growing process and involvement of certain types of vehicles are determined.

The scheme of transport support of the crop growing process is developed and the influence of the aviation component at certain stages in the introduction of resource-saving No-till technology is determined.

Experimental studies showed that the use of aviation transport contributes to the introduction of resource-saving No-till technology by minimizing the mechanical processing of sown areas, which reduces the anthropogenic load on the soil.

The developed mathematical model for analyzing the use of the transport and production complex in growing crops allows making a rational choice of ground and aviation vehicles, depending on the parameters of technologies, types of crops.

Thus, there is reason to argue that it is possible to make timely and reasonable management decisions in the organization and management of agricultural production in order to maximize profits

Author Biographies

Svitlana Pron, National Aviation University Liubomyra Huzara ave., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058


Department of Organization of Aviation Works and Services

Olena Soloviova, National Aviation University Liubomyra Huzara ave., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Organization of Aviation Works and Services

Iryna Herasymenko, National Aviation University Liubomyra Huzara ave., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Organization of Aviation Works and Services

Iryna Borets, National Aviation University Liubomyra Huzara ave., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Air Transport Organization


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How to Cite

Pron, S., Soloviova, O., Herasymenko, I., & Borets, I. (2020). Modeling of the transport and production complex in the growing of agricultural crops, taking into account the aviation component. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(3 (104), 30–39.



Control processes