Modeling of the proteolysis process of fish collagen raw materials
fish collagen raw materials, proteolysis, protein supplement, collagenase, bromelin, mathematical modelingAbstract
The studies aimed at modeling the process of fish collagen raw material proteolysis by using enzyme preparations of collagenase and bromelin are given in the paper. The data for determining reasonable ranges of the proteolysis parameters, in particular, the temperature and duration of the proteolysis, pH and concentration of enzyme preparations, are given. The obtained set of data indicates the high efficiency of collagenase in relation to connective-tissue proteins. The mathematical model of the process of fish collagen raw materials proteolysis was developed and significant technological factors that provide functional and technological properties of the final product were determined. The proteolysis parameters, namely duration of (9...11).60 s, temperature of 40±2 °C, type and concentration of the enzyme preparation Сcollagenase= 0,050±0,005 % to the mass of fish raw materials, value of the pH medium 7,0±0,2 were scientifically justified. The obtained results can be used for solving the problems of control and management of the process of the fish collagen proteolysis and controlled accumulation of water-soluble fractions of connective tissue of the salmon skin, depending on the composition and type of the raw materials.
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