Aspects of bread technology with the use of dried plant raw material




bakery products, technology, cabbage, sesame, flax seeds, vegetable powder, quality indicators


The problem of enriching bakery products with dried plant ingredients is considered in the paper. Cabbage powder, obtained by drying with the mixed heat supply is selected as raw material for enriching the chemical composition of bread. Functional and technological properties of dried cabbage such as organoleptic properties, dispersion, water absorbing ability in different polar media are investigated. Predominant content of particles with dispersion 5...50 microns in powder is shown. High technological potential of the cabbage powder lies in restoring the structure when increasing the polar media temperature.

The obtained data allowed to recommend using the cabbage powder directly in dough kneading or preliminary dehydration. Using sesame and flax seeds at excluding sugar and fat from the recipe is proposed to improve the nutritional value of bread with cabbage powder. Optimal dosing of plant raw materials was determined using the design program ‘’OPTIMA’’.

The influence of the specified ingredients on production and quality of bread is studied. Improved gas generation, reduced dough proofing time, increased porosity and shape-stability of finished products in comparison with the control sample are shown.

Based on the studies, the recipe of “Lean” bread with cabbage powder, sesame and flax seeds is proposed.

Excellent taste and compliance of physicochemical quality indicators of new products with existing regulations are shown.

Chemical composition and energy value of “Lean” bread is calculated. Increased protein content is shown, fats are represented by unsaturated fatty acids.

“Lean” bread has higher staling resistance by indicators of crumb swelling and crumbliness compared with the control sample.

Author Biographies

Олександра Володимирівна Нєміріч, National University of Food Technology Nauki av., 26, Kiev, Ukraine, 03028

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Department of Foodstuff Expertise

Оксана Олександрівна Петруша, National University of Food Technology Nauki av., 26, Kiev, Ukraine, 03028


Department of Foodstuff Expertise

Інна Василівна Бончак, National University of Food Technology Nauki av., 26, Kiev, Ukraine, 03028


Department of Foodstuff Expertise

Вікторія Валеріївна Філіпенко, National University of Food Technology Nauki av., 26, Kiev, Ukraine, 03028


Department of Foodstuff Expertise


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How to Cite

Нєміріч, О. В., Петруша, О. О., Бончак, І. В., & Філіпенко, В. В. (2014). Aspects of bread technology with the use of dried plant raw material. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(12(68), 95–101.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production