Mathematical modeling and calculation of forced resonant vibrations of composite electromechanical system




modeling of vibrations, metal plate, piezoceramic cylindrical panels, energy dissipation, stress-strain state


Resonant vibrations of composite electromechanical symmetric three-element system “metal plate - piezoceramic cylindrical panels” are considered. Forced vibrations are made under the influence of external alternating electric field, supplied to the electrodes of piezoceramic segments of cylindrical panels, previously polarized in the tangential direction.

Based on the improved theory, such as the S.P. Timoshenko’s, the system of differential equations of forced vibrations of the system, taking into account energy dissipation of relatively radial and tangential displacements, turning angle of the normal to the panel surface and longitudinal displacements of the plate is written. For the closure of the equation system, boundary conditions - kinematic and dynamic conditions of connecting cylindrical piezoceramic panels with the metal plate are formulated and written.

Integration of the full system of differential equations of vibration is performed, the dependence of radial displacements of panels and longitudinal displacements of plates on the vibration frequencies in the range, which includes the first two working resonant frequencies are found.

Amplitude-frequency characteristics of vibrations on the example of the central point of the panel (maximum radial displacements) and the end point of the plate (maximum longitudinal displacements) are built. Evaluation of the stress-strain state of the studied electromechanical system on the frequency of principal resonance considering energy dissipation is carried out. 

Author Biography

Іван Олексійович Ластівка, National Aviation University Kosmonavta Komarova ave. 1, Kiev-058, Ukraine, 03680

Doctor of Technical Sciences, docent, head of department

Department of Higher Mathematics


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How to Cite

Ластівка, І. О. (2014). Mathematical modeling and calculation of forced resonant vibrations of composite electromechanical system. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(7(68), 12–17.



Applied mechanics