Regulation of structural and rheological properties of jelly and creamed masses for two-layer fruit jelly
two-layer jelly, agar, pectin, starch syrups, strength, viscosity, density, polydextroseAbstract
The possibility of using starch syrups in a two-layer fruit jelly technology on different jelling agents was studied. The influence of syrups on structural and rheological properties of jelly and foamy masses was defined. Based on the analysis of the carbohydrate profile, technological properties of syrups and formulas of jelly products for replacing sugar components in the pectin jelly formula, it was recommended to use syrup IG-42, and on agar − IG-60. The study of the structural and rheological properties of jelly masses showed that the viscosity change is caused to a large extent by the content of high molecular sugar. Herewith, viscosity of pectin masses depends on the sucrose content, the exception of which leads to its reduction, despite the high content of dextrins in syrup masses. Determining the influence of the used syrups on a yield value of jelly masses showed that replacing the specified amount of glucose, syrup, as well as 50 % of sugar for syrups, a solid structure of marmalade jelly is formed. However, a complete replacement of all the components is accompanied by reducing the strength of jelly products. For regulating their structure, it is proposed to use polydextrose in the amount of 12 % on agar and 9 % on pectin that will allow providing the required jelly strength, expanding the assortment and improving the quality of paste-jelly products.
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