Monosilane plasma pyrolysis reactor
plasma pyrolysis, reactor, silicon, plasmotron, skull, monosilane, cyclone, condensationAbstract
The technology for continuous production of silicon granules from monosilane through the liquid phase in an apparatus is based on a great variety of interrelated physical processes. A complex mathematical and full-scale modeling of equipment and processes of production and condensation of silicon vapors on a hot wall from various materials with the skull formation, liquid silicon flow, obtaining silicon droplets, their cooling, was made. As a result of the conducted studies, it was shown that any scientific technical constraints on the practical implementation of the technology of continuous granular silicon production in a plasma pyrolysis apparatus are absent. The adequate mathematical description of the process and equipment with different degrees of accuracy that allows implementing the engineering development of the pilot plant productivity of 100 kg/h was obtained. The discovered phenomenon of rapid collapse of the liquid silicon film into droplets allows creating a granulator on this basis. Thus, the conditions actually in one process operation of combining two processes – condensation of silicon vapor to liquid and production of granules are provided.
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