Study of infrared spectra of extracts from rose hip, sea buckthorn and viburnum


  • Денис Анатолійович Миронов Higher education institution Ukoopspilka "Poltava University of Economics and Trade" Str. M. Biruzova, 50/1, Apt. 66, Poltava, Ukraine, 36007, Ukraine



IR – spectra, extracts, turbulent layer of ferromagnetic particles, dealcoholizing, soft drinks


The possibility of using a vortex layer of ferromagnetic particles for processing rose hip, sea buckthorn and viburnum in preparing them for the extraction process was considered. To study the influence of the turbulent layer of ferromagnetic particles on plant raw materials, the spectrophotometric method was chosen, as one of the most accessible and precise. The study aimed at investigating the influence of the turbulent layer of ferromagnetic particles on the qualitative indicators of plant extracts. The performed experiments allowed to confirm that extracts based on alcohol-water extractants do not differ from extracts based on water extractants. In extracts from fruits treated in the turbulent layer of ferromagnetic particles, the indicators of phenolics, sugar, biopolymers, organic acids were much higher than in the control samples. This allows to eliminate the stage of dealcoholizing plant extracts in the manufacture of soft drinks, to increase the quality indicators, and to develop new manufacturing technologies.

Author Biography

Денис Анатолійович Миронов, Higher education institution Ukoopspilka "Poltava University of Economics and Trade" Str. M. Biruzova, 50/1, Apt. 66, Poltava, Ukraine, 36007

Senior lecturer

Department of engineering disciplines


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How to Cite

Миронов, Д. А. (2014). Study of infrared spectra of extracts from rose hip, sea buckthorn and viburnum. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(12(68), 51–55.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production