Increasing of microbiological stability of bakery products with using plasmachemical techologies
bakery products, plasma-chemically activated water, microscopic mold fungi, potato bacillusAbstract
Solving the problem of preventing spoilage of food products is one of the most important tasks of the food industry. Bakery products refer to the segment of food products with a high demand in the market, therefore, the question of their safety is extremely important. Synthetic additives, the presence of which can adversely affect human health are often used to extend the shelf life of bakery goods. Using water pretreatment by contact nonequilibrium lowtemperature plasma is an innovative approach to the raw materials preparation at the initial production stage of bakery goods. The results of studying the effect of plasma-chemically activated water on the change of consumer properties of bakery products, related to their microbial spoilage during storage are given in the paper. It is shown that using water, additionally treated by contact nonequilibrium plasma prevents molding of a wide variety of products that allows to extend their shelf life. Applying plasma-chemically activated water adversely affects the development of the spores of bacteria, which cause the potato disease of bread. An increase in the microbiological stability of products is demonstrated by a significant reduction in the amount of mesophilic-aerobic and facultative-anaerobic microorganisms and mold fungi in the products, manufactured under the proposed technology. Using the water, exposed to the contact nonequilibrium plasma ensures the manufacture of high-quality storage-stable bakery products that in turn allows to solve the problems of manufacturing ecologically pure food products and the world food problem.
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