Effect of hot treatment by antioxidants on the shelf life and quality of sweet pepper
storage, postharvest treatment, antioxidants, sweet peppers, chilling injuryAbstract
In order to prolong shelf life of sweet pepper and maintain its high quality heat treatment solution by integrated antioxidant is proposed in the article.
This treatment involves dipping the fruit in a solution of antioxidant complex with ionol, lecithin and horseradish root extract at a temperature of 45 .C for 15 min. The use of this treatment allows to extend the duration of pepper fruits storage for 2 weeks. The level of chilling injury can be reduced in 7 ... 9 times, the chilling severity can be reduced in 9 ... 12 times. An average weight loss per day during treatment is reduced almost twice, the rate of decline of dynamic firmness is reduced in 1.4 times. All this contributes to the increasing of the commodity products output of, which makes up 88 % with taking into account weight loss after storage for 30 days.
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