Calculation features of traffic light regulation regimesat the signal group control
traffic light, optimization, separate directions, signal group, cycle, control, algorithmAbstract
The differences between the existing technologies of traffic light control by phases and signal groups were determined in the paper. It was proved that the signal group control technology is more perfect and to a greater extent corresponds to the changing traffic conditions at intersections. Approach for compiling the traffic light regulation cycle structure based on the analysis of conflict of traffic and pedestrian flows, taking into account traffic volume, the number of road accidents in the conflict zones was defined. Also, in compiling the structure, the need to reduce the delays of vehicles and pedestrians was taken into account. Based on the signal group control technology, an algorithm for determining the parameters of traffic light regime, taking into account the traffic light cycle structure optimization, compiled for implementation on a computer was proposed.
Using the developed approach will allow to increase the efficiency of traffic light regulation in both improving the traffic safety of vehicles and pedestrians and in reducing their delays before intersections.
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