Determining the effect of additional tank volume and air pressure in the spring on the dynamic indicators of a pneumatic system of spring suspension in high-speed railroad rolling stock
pneumatic spring suspension system, spring stiffness, damping coefficient, railroad rolling stockAbstract
The object of this study is the pneumatic system in the spring suspension of rolling stock under conditions of high-speed movement from 170 to 250 km/h.
Based on the thermodynamic model of the pneumatic spring suspension system, the influence of volume of the additional tank and the initial pressure in the pneumatic spring on the nature of change in the spring's dynamic stiffness, energy losses, and damping coefficient was studied.
Based on the built "force-deformation" dependences for the pneumatic spring, it was established that the change in the volume of an additional tank has a slight effect on the deformation of the pneumatic spring at different speeds of the high-speed rolling stock.
It was established that in the range of rolling stock speeds of 170–250 km/h, the diameter of the connecting pipeline is 30 mm, and the volume of the additional tank is from 30 to 60 l, the maximum change in the dynamic stiffness of the pneumatic spring up to 15.5 % occurs at the pressure in the spring of 6.5 bar.
Dependences of energy loss and damping coefficient during the operating cycle of the pneumatic spring suspension system were derived. It was established that an increase in the volume of the additional tank and the initial pressure in the pneumatic spring leads to an increase in the energy loss during the operation cycle of the pneumatic system. The maximum values of the damping coefficient over the entire considered range of variable parameters are 1.16–1.29.
It was established that with the volume of the additional tank in the range from 30 to 50 liters, the maximum values of the damping coefficient are observed at a diameter of the connecting pipeline of 25 mm and a speed of movement from 200 to 250 km/h. And with an additional tank volume of 60 liters – with a diameter of 30 mm and a speed of 170 to 250 km/h
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