Devising a technology for obtaining glued sausage casings from intestinal raw materials using electrophoresis




glued sausage casings, adhesive related construct, tanning with tannin, breaking load


The object of research is the technique for obtaining glued sausage casings, in which adhesive related structures and electrophoresis for tanning are used to glue the layers of intestinal raw materials.

Devising a technique for gluing sausage casings from intestinal raw materials with the use of adhesive related structures by stitching by tanning, via intensified electrophoresis, has been substantiated.

The technology of glued sausage casings from intestinal raw materials, which are classified as unclaimed residues and waste, has been proposed. The technology differs from known similar technologies by applying a technique for gluing intestinal membranes using an adhesive related construct and electrophoresis during tanning. The devised gluing technique and the device for its implementation make it possible to avoid violation of the integrity of the raw material, are universal in relation to it, and are easy to operate.

The rational parameters of electrophoresis, which is used to accelerate the tanning process of the place of gluing of the layers of the intestinal membranes using an adhesive related construct, have been determined. The potential difference between the electrodes and the duration of exposure of the gluing site for gluing the original intestinal raw materials: pork belly, lamb belly, beef belly were determined. At a potential difference of 100 V, the duration of exposure of the gluing site for pork and lamb bellies is 17 minutes, and for beef bellies − 20 minutes. It is noted that the results differ in the duration of exposure of the gluing site, which is probably due to the thickness of the layer of the raw material.

The proposed technology would contribute to improving the efficiency of the technology of glued sausage casings from intestinal raw materials and could be used at enterprises for the processing of agricultural products and the meat processing industry

Author Biographies

Andrey Pak, State Biotechnological University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Physics and Mathematics

Vyacheslav Оnishchenko, State Biotechnological University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Meat Technology

Maryna Yancheva, State Biotechnological University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean

Department of Meat Technology

Nataliya Grynchenko, CAPS FOOD SYSTEMS LLC

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Development Director

Alina Pak, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Marketing and Trade Entrepreneurship


Senior Production Technologist of Uncooked Unsmoked Products

Аrtem Оnyshchenko, State Biotechnological University

PhD Student

Department of Meat Technology


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Devising a technology for obtaining glued sausage casings from intestinal raw materials using electrophoresis




How to Cite

Pak, A., Оnishchenko V., Yancheva, M., Grynchenko, N., Pak, A., Inzhyyants, S., & Оnyshchenko А. (2024). Devising a technology for obtaining glued sausage casings from intestinal raw materials using electrophoresis. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(11 (130), 67–75.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production