Identifying the influence of the pitch of hammers with cutting edges on the average length of feed crushed in hammer grinders




grinder, length of grinding, edges of adjacent hammers, angle of stem arrangement


The object of the research is to identify the influence of the pitch of the hammers with cutting edges on the determination of the average length of feed, crushed from by-product stem raw materials in hammer crushers. However, a problem was identified such as the lack of an analytical expression for determining the average length of chopped stem feed by a hammer grinder depending on the distance between the edges of adjacent hammers. With a simultaneous change in the angles of the location of the stem with the maximum size in the layer and, using the methods of probability theory for determining the mathematical descriptions of the function of two arguments, in this study an analytical expression was obtained for determining the average length of particles crushed by hammer crushers depending on the distance between the faces of adjacent hammers. Hammers with cutting edges are used to crush feed from by-product stem raw materials. The end working part of the hammer is milled at an angle of 90°, i.e. two cutting edges are processed at the end of the hammer. As a result of the practical calculations, the average length of feed crushed from by-product stem raw materials was determined depending on the parameters of the hammer crusher.  From the resulting graph of the influence of the distance between the faces of adjacent hammers on the average length of crushed particles, it is evident that when the distance between the faces of adjacent hammers changes, the average length of crushed particles varies within the range of 36.19...53.39 mm. To verify the reliability of the obtained expression, experiments were carried out on a crusher with a distance between the faces of adjacent hammers of 20 mm. In this case, the average length of the crushed particles was equal to 38.75 mm, and the theoretical value was 40.16 mm. The difference between them was 3.64 %, which proves the reliability of the obtained analytical expression. The conducted theoretical studies with the receipt of an analytical expression, ensuring the determination of the average length of feed, chopped from by-product stem raw materials, is the solution to an important problem in the development of theoretical foundations of chopping machines, significantly affecting the efficiency of mechanization and operation of feed choppers in practice

Supporting Agency

  • This research has been/was/is funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. AP19679802).

Author Biographies

Tokhtar Abilzhanuly, Scientific Production center of Agricultural Engineering, LTD

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Laboratory of Innovative Equipment for Animal Husbandry

Ruslan Iskakov, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University

PhD, Assosiate Professor

Department of Technological Machines and Equipment

Daniyar Abilzhanov, Scientific Production center of Agricultural Engineering, LTD

PhD, Leading Researcher

Alexandr Gulyarenko, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University

PhD, Assosiate Professor

Department of Standardization, Metrology and Certification

Valery Khan, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical Research University

PhD in Engineering Science, Senior Lecturer

Department of Technological Machines and Equipment


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Identifying the influence of the pitch of hammers with cutting edges on the average length of feed crushed in hammer grinders




How to Cite

Abilzhanuly, T., Iskakov, R., Abilzhanov, D., Gulyarenko, A., & Khan, V. (2024). Identifying the influence of the pitch of hammers with cutting edges on the average length of feed crushed in hammer grinders. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(1 (130), 69–78.



Engineering technological systems