Design of tracking invariant systems based on the equivalent robust control
control system, invariant system, uncertainty, Lyapunov function, robust controller, perturbationAbstract
An approach to designing invariant, with respect to external disturbances, control systems is proposed. Unlike the classical scheme, it does not require perturbation measuring. The possibility of unlimited increase in the robust controller gain without stability loss allows to reduce the effect of perturbations to an arbitrarily small value. This ensures high tracking accuracy of the reference trajectory and speed for a wide class of perturbations. In the limit, the system is described by the equation of the hyperplane. This feature allows to define the robust controller settings using the methods of linear control theory, in particular, the method of "modal control". The disadvantages of the method include using derivatives of the output to generate the PD-controller and strengthening high-frequency noise with direct access to the controller. The effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed by solving the model problem on Matlab/Simulink.
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