Features of porous structure in electrodeposited materials


  • Олег Борисович Гирин Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Prospekt Gagarina, 8, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 49005, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7712-2290
  • Александр Леонидович Чуприна Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Prospekt Gagarina, 8, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 49005, Ukraine




porous structure, electrodeposited material, casting material, hydrogen.


The aim of the work was the experimental proof of the validity of the phenomenon of phase formation of metallic materials being electrodeposited through a stage of liquid state. The idea of the work was as follows. As phase formation of a material being electrodeposited occurs in saturated hydrogen environment, in case of validity of the discussed phenomenon porous structure of an electrodeposited material must have typical features of porous structure of a cast material solidified from liquid state in saturated hydrogen environment. To realize the idea an inductive arc unit, which allows obtaining of a cast material in saturated hydrogen environment, was constructed and produced. The unit provided solidification of a material at high adjustable rate of movement of plane crystallization front. As modeling materials the electrodeposited chromium and aluminum bronze melted and solidified in hydrogen environment were used. As a result of the completed investigations it was found, that porous structure of an electrodeposited material possesses all typical features of porous structure of a cast material solidified from liquid state in saturated hydrogen environment. The identity of orientation and form of pores in an electrodeposited and in a cast material, the effects of pores coagulation and termination of pores growth and new pores initiation during the whole crystallization period at electrodeposition prove the validity of the phenomenon of phase formation of metallic materials being electrodeposited through a stage of liquid state.

Author Biographies

Олег Борисович Гирин, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Prospekt Gagarina, 8, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 49005

Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor, Vice-Rector of Science, Head of the Department

Department of Materials Science

Александр Леонидович Чуприна, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Prospekt Gagarina, 8, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 49005

Candidate of Science (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department

Department of Chemical Machine-Building


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How to Cite

Гирин, О. Б., & Чуприна, А. Л. (2012). Features of porous structure in electrodeposited materials. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(10(59), 7–10. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2012.4632



Materials Science