Investigation of the kinetics of extraction of flavonoids from hop cones meal




hop cones, meal, extraction kinetics, mass transfer coefficient, diffusion coefficient, washout number


For pharmaceutical companies involved in the extraction of plant raw material, the issue of its rational use, or maximum extraction of biologically active substances from it is topical. One way to implement this task is to reuse plant raw material meal as a source of BAS and determine the kinetic parameters of the extraction process to select optimal when implementing in practice.

The aim of the paper was to determine the concentration of extractant, investigate the extraction kinetics and determine basic kinetic constants such as the coefficients of mass transfer, diffusion through the cell membrane and in the intercellular environment, the washout number.

The extraction kinetics of meal of hop cones, crushed to a defined size was studied in the agitator at 20 °C. As a result of the research, it was found that particle size significantly affects the extraction rate and, ultimately, the equilibrium time. The defined mass transfer coefficient decreases with increasing size of the extracted particle. This indicates that the main mass transfer surface is the area of crushing, which increases with decreasing particle size. In the paper, the diffusion coefficient of flavonoids through the cell membrane Dc, the order of which is 10-14 m2/s was determined, and the diffusion coefficient in the intercellular environment Dm, the order of which is 10-11 m2/s and does not depend on size was calculated. As a result of the experimental studies, an analytical dependence of the mass transfer coefficient k and the washout number A on the particle size of the solid phase d was derived, which allows to predict the extraction process, design equipment.

Author Biographies

Інесса Віталіївна Павлюк, National University «Lviv Politechnic» 12 S. Bandery str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79013

Postgraduste  student

Department of Biological Active Components, Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Наталія Євгенівна Стадницька, National University «Lviv Politechnic» 12 S. Bandery str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79013

Associate Professor, Doctor of chemical sciences

Department of Biological Active Components, Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Володимир Павлович Новіков, National University «Lviv Politechnic» 12 S. Bandery str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79013

Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Head of the Department

Department of Biological Active Components, Pharmacy and Biotechnology


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How to Cite

Павлюк, І. В., Стадницька, Н. Є., & Новіков, В. П. (2015). Investigation of the kinetics of extraction of flavonoids from hop cones meal. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(11(77), 36–41.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production