Brief technology assessment of investigated table grape varieties of middle and late ripening periods
The research of economic characteristics, chemical composition and technological characteristics of table grape varieties Asma, Italia, Karaburnu, Muscat of Alexandria, Vostok, Beauty Cegléd, Muscat Hamburg, Odessa Souvenir, Michele Palieri, Chaush MuscatAbstract
The research of economic characteristics, chemical composition and technological characteristics of table grape varieties Asma, Italia, Karaburnu, Muscat of Alexandria, Vostok, Beauty Cegléd, Muscat Hamburg, Odessa Souvenir, Michele Palieri, Chaush Muscat in 2014 was carried out.
Based on experimental studies, a brief technology assessment of the given varieties was defined, basic criteria such as organoleptic characteristics, chemical and mechanical composition were investigated. The paper presents the characteristics of the varieties, the comparative economic-commodity assessment of middle-ripening table grape varieties, which are grown in Ukraine, qualitative characteristics of berries of middle-ripening table grape varieties, the interval of economic-commodity, chemical and physical parameters of table grapes of different ripening groups, comparative economic-commodity assessment of table grapes of middle and late ripening periods. The results allow to assess table grape varieties of middle and late ripening periods, which are the most favorable for the cultivation and supply to the consumer market. Based on the research results, competitiveness index for the investigated table grape varieties was calculated.
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