Mathcad in the kinematic and dynamic analysis of the manipulator


  • Наталья Сергеевна Ащепкова Dnepropetrovsk national university by O. Gonchar, 72 Gagarin ave., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, Ukraine



kinematic and dynamic analysis of the manipulator, coordinate transformation, law of motion, trajectory


The  paper presents a technique for solving the problems of kinematic and dynamic analysis of the model industrial robot and reveals the effects of applying the suggested technique to a three-tier manipulator. The study has proved the expediency of Mathcad in solving the problems of kinematic and dynamic analysis, modeling the motion of the manipulator, as well as synthesis and analysis of the gripper trajectories of the model industrial robot.

This technique can be applied to solve both direct and inverse kinematics problems, determine the boundaries of the gripper reach and perform mathematical modeling of the manipulator motion. The projected path of the manipulator is supplied with the required forces and moments in the kinematic pairs.

The solution process is divided into simple computational procedures. The transformation of matrices, differentiation, as well as solution of differential and transcendental equations is performed due to the inbuilt functions and operators of the Mathcad application package. The suggested method does not require writing, debugging and testing programs. Problems of the kinematic and dynamic analysis of the manipulator are solved quicker and with fewer errors.

The suggested technique is useful in designing robotic systems and synthesizing optimal trajectories of a singular point.

Author Biography

Наталья Сергеевна Ащепкова, Dnepropetrovsk national university by O. Gonchar, 72 Gagarin ave., Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010

PhD, associate professor

Department of mekhanotronik 


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How to Cite

Ащепкова, Н. С. (2015). Mathcad in the kinematic and dynamic analysis of the manipulator. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(7(77), 54–63.



Applied mechanics