Designing an approach to building the teams of high technological projects performers at virtual instrument-making enterprises
high technological project, virtual instrument-making enterprise, team of performers of a project, expert evaluation of scenariosAbstract
The approach to building the teams of the performers of high technological project is described, directed toward a decrease of uncertainty in the process of realization of a future project, connected with the establishment of compliance among the tasks of the project, which have innovation nature, and by the level of competence of potential performers. The key stages of the approach are: forming the base of contenders for participation in the project; assessment of competence of contenders; forming alternatives of the composition of a project’s team; analysis of alternatives with the aid of the scripted methods of collective expert evaluation; selection of a rational variant of the team of the performers of a project. The relevance of the conducted research is determined by the world-wide trend of development of post-industrial society in the direction of the virtualization of production. In the course of the performed study we proved the expediency of development and application, in the process of personnel management at a virtual instrument-making enterprise, of special methods of selection the contenders for the composition of the teams of high technological projects planned for implementation. Based on them, it is possible to design tools of decision making support to both top manager and HR-manager of VIE. The described approach, unlike the known ones, makes it possible to decrease the level of uncertainty (NO-factors) in the aspects of incompleteness, carelessness, inaccuracy. The applied significance of the results of the study can be quantitatively evaluated on the basis of a special method, designed in the course of the study. This method is directed toward the assessment of economic efficiency of the application of this approach to the process of designing high technological projects, which will make it possible to decrease overhead expenses at planning the strategy of VIE.
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