Economic-mathematical tools for building up a project team in the system of company’s knowledge management
project team, economic-mathematical modeling, weight coefficients, integrated assessmentAbstract
Economic-mathematical model for the formation of a group of employees (project team) for the generation of new organizational knowledge was created. The model implies construction of a integrated assessment for possible project teams and selection of the best one. The model allows taking into account both individual and group indicators of employees. Individual indicators include professional knowledge, education, working experience, intelligence, logical intellect, creative intelligence, self-organization and knowledge, interest and experience in solving similar tasks. The group indicators include social interaction in pairs between group members. The developed model allows taking into account both positive and negative synergistic effect of social interaction. Therefore, considering not only professional and intellectual components, but also synergic effect of social interaction of team members allows formation of the optimal composition of a project team. The specified feature distinguishes the present model from other analogues. The model includes seven stages: from determining the number and all the possible combinations of employees to formation of a project team. The model implies the application of elements of combinatorics to determine the number of possible combinations of groups. In addition, we used expert knowledge and the method of direct assessment for selecting indicators of integrated assessment and selection of weight coefficients. The Harrington scale enabled us to establish the level of experience and knowledge in solving similar tasks. A group of employees was considered as an additive system, so for each group, integral indicator was calculated. The model was implemented on the example, in which 3 employees were selected out of 10 employees of a department. Each of the employees had their indicators of professional, intellectual and social component. According to results of modeling, the highest effectiveness in generation of new organizational knowledge was demonstrated by the group, which has a positive synergistic effect of interaction between employees in a project teamReferences
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