Features method of determination tireless longevity gondola taking into account operating damages


  • Олексій Вікторович Фомін Donetsk Institute of Rail Transport Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport str. Artem 184, Donetsk, Ukraine, 83122, Ukraine
  • Олексій Вікторович Бурлуцький Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Maidan. Feuerbach, 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050, Ukraine




Gondolas, gondola’s body, resource, destructions, linear hypothesis counting the total number of damages, dispersion, root-mean-square deviation, spectral density


The article represents the features and the results of the proposed method of gondolas operating life calculation considering the accumulated damage in general. The methodology is based on the use of linear hypothesis counting the total number of damages.

The current method of determining the reliability values is based on data of operational or dynamic performance trials. Thereby it doesn’t contain the algorithm of approximate calculation of the operating life on the project phase. That fact complicates its applying in engineering practice.

Destruction of structures is mainly related to the accumulation of irreversible damage of its elements. Calculations of cyclical strength in that case are carried out using semi-empirical (phenomenological) models of damage accumulation.

Considering the increased requirements for safety, it is advisable to evaluate the limit state in assessing the quality of design on the criterion of fatigue cracks. Given the process of accumulation of fatigue cracks used corrected linear summation hypothesis damages. Assessment of durability performed for the most loaded node.

As a result of the modal and spectral analysis identified the main causes of fatigue damage gondola body elements - the coincidence frequency of natural oscillations with a frequency of exciting effects with maximum amplitude.

Based on the analysis of the spectral power density we obtained the calculation of operating life considering the accumulated damage. The article proposes a specific evaluation of operational reliability and dynamic loading, which can improve the accuracy of resource estimates at the design stage by the criterion of fatigue durability

Author Biographies

Олексій Вікторович Фомін, Donetsk Institute of Rail Transport Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport str. Artem 184, Donetsk, Ukraine, 83122

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Department of "Mobile railway"

Олексій Вікторович Бурлуцький, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Maidan. Feuerbach, 7, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61050

Head of educational laboratories

Department "Mechanics and Machine Design"


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How to Cite

Фомін, О. В., & Бурлуцький, О. В. (2013). Features method of determination tireless longevity gondola taking into account operating damages. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(7(62), 12–16. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2013.12377



Applied mechanics