Modeling of the process of the shot based on the numerical solution of the equations of internal ballistics
barrel bore, ammunition, technical condition, ballistic element of the shot, internal ballistics, difference scheme, numerical methodAbstract
The study of the process of firing a firearm, taking into account the degree of wear of the barrel, requires an assessment of the losses of powder gases due to their breakthrough between the barrel walls and the projectile. Currently, the known methods for solving the equations of internal ballistics do not provide for obtaining results wich take into account the loss of part of the powder gases. As a result, there was a need to overcome the contradiction between the needs of applied ballistics and the capabilities of the existing scientific and methodological apparatus for solving the equations of internal ballistics.
The principles of construction of the difference scheme for the numerical solution of the equations of internal ballistics on the condition of the influence of typical defects of the barrel channels and ammunition are stated. Recurrent expressions for step-by-step calculation of ballistic elements of the shot are given, initial conditions for the first and second periods of the shot are defined. The practical testing of the difference scheme by the numerical solution of the equations of internal ballistics for characteristic combinations of initial data is carried out and its adequacy is confirmed. The expediency of creating a database of ballistic shot elements for typical defects of the barrel channels and powder charges is substantiated.
As a result of researches, the difference scheme for the numerical solution of the equations of internal ballistics wich provide the possibility of taking into account the influence of typical defects of the barrel channels and ammunition on ballistic elements of the shot is obtained. This opens the way to improving the operational control of the technical condition of weapons and ammunition by advancing its reliability and efficiency.
Based on the numerical solution of the equations of internal ballistics, it is possible to simulate the influence of the deviation of the geometrical parameters of the barrel channel and the degradation of the powder charge on the course of the shot process. This explains the importance and usefulness of the work for applied ballisticsReferences
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Copyright (c) 2019 Oleksandr Kriukov, Roman Melnikov, Оlexandr Bilenko, Artem Zozulia, Sergey Herasimov, Maksym Borysenko, Vladislav Pavlii, Serhii Khmelevskiy, Dmytro Abramov, Vadym Sivak

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