Investigation of flaxseed meal proteins and their influence on wheat dough




flax meal, wheat flour, proteins, fractional composition, amino acids, gluten


For the purpose of enrichment by protein substances, balanced by amino acid composition, the feasibility of using flax meal in the recipe of bakery products, which are the basis of diets, including in restaurants, is substantiated.

As a result of the study of gluten microstructure, it was found that compared to the control, the gluten walls with flaxseed meal thicken and the pore sizes decrease. This increases the elastic properties of gluten.

Experimental studies of extraction of protein fractions by solubility revealed that the main proteins of the meal are albumins and globulins. It should be noted that a significant amount of flaxseed meal protein substances of 14.34 % was in the insoluble precipitate.

It has been established that flax meal proteins also affect the process of conversion of the protein fractions in wheat dough during its maturation. It has been investigated that gluten nitrogen content decreases by 17.0 % due to the transition of gluten nitrogen to water-soluble and intermediate fractions. This leads to an increase of the nitrogen content in these fractions in the test sample, compared with the control and proves changes in the rheological properties of the dough, because such properties depend on the ratio of these fractions.

During the investigation of the mixture of flour with flax meal, it was found that in the case of increasing the dosage of meal from 2.5 to 7.5 %, the water absorption capacity increases, which is associated with a higher hydration capacity of albumin and globulin of flaxseed meal than gluten proteins. The rarefaction grows if the duration of kneading increases, which is associated with the formation of the liquid phase of the dough by water-soluble meal proteins.

Flax meal can be a source of protein substances for enriching food, due to its chemical composition. However, using meal causes changes in biochemical processes that need to be adjusted to ensure the required quality of products

Author Biography

Orysia Izhevska, Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky Kostiushka str., 11, Lviv, Ukraine, 79007

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business


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How to Cite

Izhevska, O. (2019). Investigation of flaxseed meal proteins and their influence on wheat dough. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(11 (101), 15–23.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production