Predicting reliability of structures GaP-SnO2 on the based of 3D model of their surface
3D modeling, UV radiation sensor, information-measuring systemAbstract
The application software of Math Lab package for 3D modeling of morphological characteristics of UV radiation sensor surface based on GaP was used. It was shown that using 3D modeling is a software tool, which allows to visualize heterogeneities of contacts both during their production and selective current control during their operation, analyze the design and technological features of their formation and generate recommendations on their structure improvement. Along with the studies of photoelectric and electro-physical characteristics of semiconductor sensors, 3D modeling of surface morphology of the photosensitive layer of sensors allows to determine the reasons of their degradation parameters and predict the reliability of further operation of the information-measuring system.
The revealed morphological surface heterogeneities of the studied UV sensors can be caused by local etching of layer after etching of, or formation of islet oxidizing forms on the surface before applying.References
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