Development of an experimental-estimation method for estimating indices of residual life of a radio technical complex




estimation of indices of residual life, operation according to technical condition, radio technical complex


To implement the operation of a radio technical complex according to its technical condition, it is necessary to jointly evaluate its reliability and residual life indices with required accuracy and reliability and minimization of the scope of special tests. The known methods are focused on separate solutions to the problems of estimating these indices as applied to the regulated strategy.

To solve this problem, general provisions have been developed for estimating the indices of residual life of the radio technical complex including the accepted assumptions and limitations for developing the method, the estimated indices, and criteria of limiting state. The developed experiment-calculated method is a set of mathematical models of change of the reliability indices of a radio technical complex depending on calendar duration of operation or total operating time and analytical models of estimating the indices of its residual life.

The mathematical models of change of mean time between failures, the probability of failure-free switching, and the parameter of the flow of failures of the radio technical complex depending on calendar duration of operation or the total operating time were presented in a form of regressive dependences. Analytical models of estimating the residual life indices are ratios for calculating the "average residual service life (resource)" according to the technical and economic criterion using regression-time dependences of the reliability indices.

The developed experiment-calculated method can be used to estimate the indices of residual life of the radio technical complex with acceptable accuracy (no more than 2 quarters) and reliability (no worse than 0.8). In this case, the duration of the intervals of predicting the reliability indices should be 0.5 to 1 year and the corresponding observation intervals should be more than 1 year

Author Biographies

Vadim Lukianchuk, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of Department

Research Department for the Development of the WME System of Air Force Air Defense Forces of Air Force Science Center

Boris Lanetskii, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher

Research Department for the Development of the WME System of Air Force Air Defense Forces of Air Force Science Center

Hennadii Khudov, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Radar Troops Tactic

Ivan Terebuha, Combat unit A0800


Oleksii Zvieriev, Central Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor, Researcher

Scientific Research Department of Development of Surface-to-Air Missile Systems and Complexes of Research Department for the Development of Armaments and Military Equipment of the Air Force

Oleh Shknai, Central Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

PhD, Senior Research

Directorate for Scientific Research of Armament and Military Equipment of Air Force

Denys Zapara, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

PhD, Head of Department

Research Department of Development, Training and Application of the AMT of the Air Force of the Air Force Science Center

Serhii Petruk, Central Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

PhD, Deputy Chief of Scientific Research Management

Scientific Research Department of Development of Surface-to-Air Missile Systems and Complexes

Valentyn Dyptan, The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

PhD, Head of Department

Air Force Logistics Department

Oleksandr Piavchuk, The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi


Air Force Logistics Department


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How to Cite

Lukianchuk, V., Lanetskii, B., Khudov, H., Terebuha, I., Zvieriev, O., Shknai, O., Zapara, D. ., Petruk, S., Dyptan, V., & Piavchuk, O. (2021). Development of an experimental-estimation method for estimating indices of residual life of a radio technical complex . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(9(111), 27–39.



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