The synthesis of system of automatic control of equipment for machining materials with hydraulic drive
hydraulic drive, mathematical model, transfer function, time constant, transfer factor, block diagram, stochastic perturbation, observation noise, automatic control systemAbstract
The issues of automatic control of equipment for machining materials with rotary hydraulic drive are considered in the paper. The main objective of this study is the development of a mathematical model and synthesis of the automatic control system of equipment.
The methodological basis of the research is a systems approach to modeling drives of process equipment using control theory methods.
Based on the accepted approach, the authors have developed the mathematical model of the equipment for machining materials with the rotary hydraulic drive as an object of automatic control and performed the synthesis of automatic control system, taking into account the stochastic perturbation and observation noise. Given that the stochastic excitation, applied to the control object, appears irrespective of the control signal, the synthesis of the automatic control system of equipment is executed taking into account additive noise. Therefore, solving the problem of stochastic optimal system with incomplete information about the state according to the separation method was divided into two: the problem of synthesizing optimal observer and deterministic problem of synthesizing optimal system.
The research results can be used in creating new and modernizing existing process equipment.
The results, presented in the work, can extend the functionality and efficiency of equipment for machining materials.
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