Development and modeling of combined components of the information environment




information environment, individual educational trajectory, system analysis, information technology


The relevance of the study is due to the problem of forming the concept of the information environment from the point of view of management. The theoretical foundations for the construction and practical application of the information environment of educational institutions are given, a model of an individual educational trajectory is designed, and the methodology for modeling the information environment of educational institutions based on systems theory is described. This is important, since the information environment helps to improve the efficiency and quality of the educational process through the implementation of information technology capabilities. An individual educational trajectory is considered as a process of making a decision by a student based on a system of individual values and personal meanings; contains a qualification model of a specialist in the world of professions and opportunities for the implementation of vital plans. The qualification model of a specialist includes a qualification portrait of a specialist, regulatory requirements – a set of linguistic assessments and a set of numerical assessments that meet the requirements of employers.

As a result of the study, a systematic approach was applied, which makes it possible to determine the limitations of the system's functioning, the procedure for planning activities and the system for stimulating elements of the organization. A detailed review of the main models of interaction between the elements of the organization is made: bureaucratic, democratic participation and parity compromise. The bureaucratic model is characterized by a clear hierarchy of rules and decisions, strict regulation of job descriptions. The model of democratic participation is focused on the development of creative abilities of an employee, when, performing a particular function, he expects to achieve personal goals, directing his efforts to achieve the goals of the organization.

The results of the study are aimed at an effective choice of interaction models depending on the main elements of systemic activities in educational institutions related to improving the quality of work and education

Author Biographies

Aliya Aitymova, Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

Senior Lecturer

Department of Theory and Methods of Primary and Preschool Education

Anna Shaporeva, Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

Head of Scientific Research Organization Department

Department of Science

Department of Organization of Scientific Research

Oksana Kopnova, Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University

Senior Lecturer

Department of Mathematics and Informatics

Agibay Kushumbayev, Municipal State-owned Enterprise "Higher Construction and Economic College"

Candidate of Technical Sciences, PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor, Director

Zhanat Aitymov, Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University


Department of Theory and Methods of Physical and Military Education


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How to Cite

Aitymova, A., Shaporeva, A., Kopnova, O., Kushumbayev, A., & Aitymov, Z. (2022). Development and modeling of combined components of the information environment. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(2 (116), 51–60.