Improving a method for eliminating the spill of hazardous substances by using "Universal Absorbent Cloth"




environmental technologies, hazardous cargoes, localization of accidents, elimination of accidents, carbonization, universal absorbent cloth


In order to increase efficiency and implement the principles of resource saving during the elimination of emergency spills of dangerous goods when transporting them by rail, proposals have been offered to improve the method of localization and elimination of emissions of hazardous substances using the "Universal Absorbent Cloth" ("UAC")

The specificity of localization of the emergency emission site and the principles of elimination based on sorption technologies using "UAC" are described.

To manufacture "UAC", special equipment (carbonizer) was designed, which provides effective carbonization of raw materials from plant waste at sufficiently low temperatures ≤500 °C. Using a carbonizer, a universal sorbent was obtained, which is subsequently used for the manufacture of "UAC". The total carbonization time of plant waste samples did not exceed 60 minutes. The universal absorbent obtained during the carbonization process was placed in a fabric matrix to produce "UAC" absorbent cloth.

Standardized procedures for conducting experiments are described. Studies of the adsorption characteristics of the proposed "UAC" involving various model solutions (Gasoline A-95, 25 % solution of ammonia water, and 15 % solution of hydrogen peroxide) confirm its versatility and efficiency; the degree of purification reaches 92 %.

It is proposed to use certain types of railroad cars to transport "UAC" as part of a freight train, which is supported by the corresponding dynamic indicators. Recommendations for the regeneration or disposal of spent "UAC" cloth are provided.

The proposals for improving the method of emergency emission elimination using the "Universal Absorbent Cloth" ("UAC") make it possible to minimize the negative consequences of emergency spills of liquid cargoes of different hazard classes and reduce the time spent on elimination operations. These advantages ensure the competitiveness and profitability of the proposed technology

Author Biographies

Yuliya Zelenko, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Chemistry and Engineering Ecology

Nicolay Calimbet, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Postgraduate Student, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists

Department of Chemistry and Engineering Ecology


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How to Cite

Zelenko, Y., & Calimbet, N. (2022). Improving a method for eliminating the spill of hazardous substances by using "Universal Absorbent Cloth". Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(10 (118), 30–37.