Development of a method for assessing air dustiness in the main fairing of the launch vehicle




dust pollution, satellite, thermostating, master fairing, numerical model, computational experiment


The object of this study is the process of thermostating the main fairing with a satellite at the stage of prelaunch preparation of the launch vehicle. When thermostating, it is necessary to predict the risk of dust contamination of the satellite surface. Currently, there are no normative methods for solving this problem. A numerical model has been proposed that makes it possible to quickly predict the dynamics of pollution of any surface of the satellite.

A numerical model has been built for analyzing the zones of dust pollution of air in the main fairing of the launch vehicle during thermostating. The novelty of the model is the use of the Laplace equation for the speed potential, based on which the problem of aerodynamics is solved, namely, the flow rate in the main fairing is determined. Based on the model built, a computational experiment was conducted for dust particles with a diameter of 6 µm that fall into the main fairing during thermostating.  The results of the research showed that the formation of areas of dust pollution near the satellite is influenced by the geometric shape of the satellite, which affects the formation of an uneven air velocity field in the main fairing and the organization of air supply to the main fairing.

Calculations are performed within a few seconds, which makes it possible during working day to conduct a set of studies into the rational choice of the organization of air exchange of the main fairing during its thermostating. The constructed numerical model can be used in design organizations to scientifically substantiate the thermostating mode of the main fairing, taking into consideration the characteristics of the satellite located in it

Author Biographies

Mykola Biliaiev, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Hydraulics and Water Supply

Viktoriya Biliaieva, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of AeroHydro Mechanics and Energy and Mass Transfer

Tetiana Rusakova, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Life Safety

Vitalii Kozachyna, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Hydraulics and Water Supply

Oleksandr Berlov, Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Life Safety

Pavlo Semenenko, Pivdenne Design Office


Valeriia Kozachyna, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Department of Hydraulics and Water Supply

Iuliia Brazaluk, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of AeroHydro Mechanics and Energy and Mass Transfer

Viktoriia Klym, University of Customs and Finance

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Cyber Security and Information Technologies

Larysa Tatarko, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Power Engineering


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Development of a method for assessing air dustiness in the main fairing of the launch vehicle




How to Cite

Biliaiev, M., Biliaieva, V., Rusakova, T., Kozachyna, V., Berlov, O., Semenenko, P., Kozachyna, V., Brazaluk, I., Klym, V., & Tatarko, L. (2022). Development of a method for assessing air dustiness in the main fairing of the launch vehicle. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(1 (119), 17–25.



Engineering technological systems