Assessment of the impact of digitalized management on the financial risks of industrial enterprises
digitalized management, financial risks, industrial enterprises, digital technologies, level of digitalizationAbstract
This paper considers the process of influence of digitalized management on the financial risks of industrial enterprises. An algorithm for determining the category of financial risks of industrial enterprises has been developed. Depending on the values of the coefficient of variation of deviations of financial ratios from the standards, five categories of financial risks have been distinguished – minimum, low permissible, critical, catastrophic. The categories of financial risks of industrial enterprises of the energy sector on the basis of liquidity indicators were determined. The indicators with the help of which it is possible to determine the level of digitalized management have been systematized. The parameters of low, medium, and high levels of digitalized management of industrial enterprises were substantiated. The relationship between the level of digitalized management of industrial enterprises and the categories of financial risks has been established. To assess the impact of digitalized management on the financial risks of industrial enterprises, a cross matrix "level of digitalized management – category of financial risk" is proposed. This has made it possible to justify the expediency of using three strategic directions of influence of digitalized management on the financial risks of industrial enterprises – the strategy of an innovator, follower, and observer. It has been established that while the innovator's strategy assumes the maximum, the observer's strategy is a minimum of effort and aims to actively use digital tools to manage this process. The practical use of the proposed directions of influence of digitalized management on the financial risks of industrial enterprises will provide an integrative combination of quantitative and qualitative results. In particular, achieving a stable financial condition of industrial enterprises in the context of digital transformation of the economy
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Copyright (c) 2022 Liubov Vasylyshyna, Olga Popova, Nataliia Hoholieva, Olena Lyzunova, Maryna Medvedieva, Kateryna Laskavets, Tatyana Mykytenko, Valentyn Diachenko, Andrii Yemets, Serhii Shevchenko

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