Construction of a simulation model of goods delivery in international road transportation taking into account the functioning efficiency of logistics supply chain




supply chain, simulation model, logistics consulting, foreign trade operation, export of goods, intermediary services


The object of this study is the process of goods delivery in international road transport using various types of logistics chains.

The problem being solved is due to the need to develop recommendations for exporters of goods to reformat or design new supply chains during wartime. The expediency of organizing foreign trade operations by the cargo owners' own forces or with the involvement of enterprises providing logistics consulting services is considered.

A simulation model of goods delivery in international road traffic was built and implemented in the GPSS World simulation automation package.

The model involves the optimization of organizational and technological processes related to the activity of both a separate link and the entire supply chain. The study takes into account the components of the time characteristics of the performance of preparatory work when establishing cooperation with institutions and organizations, as well as the direct service of the exporter. The application of the developed model in practical activities will provide an opportunity for exporters to obtain information about the duration and reliability of the stages of a foreign trade operation and the feasibility of involving consulting enterprises in cooperation. At the same time, the simulation results reflect the performance indicators of the proposed supply chains when delivering goods by road transport along various routes. The proposed simulation model will make it possible to reduce the time spent searching for links in the formation of a supply chain by 8–12 %, and the duration of a foreign trade operation by 10–14 %. Thus, the reliability of cooperation with intermediary organizations will increase by 8–11 %

Author Biographies

Ievgenii Lebid, National Transport University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Transport Law and Logistics

Nataliia Luzhanska, National Transport University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of International Transportation and Customs Control

Iryna Lebid, National Transport University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of International Transportation and Customs Control

Alexander Mazurenko, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Transport Units

Inesa Halona, National Transport University


Department of Transport Technologies

Anatolii Horban, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Theoretical and Applied Economic

Iryna Mykhailenko, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University


Department of Higher Mathematics

Ievgen Medvediev, Gdansk University of Technology; Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

PhD, Post-Doctoral Researcher

Department of Ship Design

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Railway, Road Transport and Truck Machines

Tetiana Sotnikova, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Computer-Integrated Control Systems


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Construction of a simulation model of goods delivery in international road transportation taking into account the functioning efficiency of logistics chain links




How to Cite

Lebid, I., Luzhanska, N., Lebid, I., Mazurenko, A., Halona, I., Horban, A., Mykhailenko, I., Medvediev, I., & Sotnikova, T. (2023). Construction of a simulation model of goods delivery in international road transportation taking into account the functioning efficiency of logistics supply chain. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(3 (123), 57–67.



Control processes