Innovative and financial modernization of transportation system based on international technology transfer




international transfer, innovative technologies, national economy, transport system, modernization, competitiveness


The object of the study is the process of innovative and financial modernization of the transport system based on international technology transfer. The problem of innovative foundations of strengthening its competitiveness in the conditions of integration into the EU has been solved. The main results obtained: disclosure of the innovative essence of technology transfer, substantiation of the organizational and economic mechanism and systematization of demand factors of the transport system for technology transfer, its financial and investment support.

The obtained results are illustrated by a system of qualitative and quantitative indicators. It was established that during 2010–2019, the share of spending on the GDR in the national GDP decreased from 0.75 % to 0.43 %, but at the EU level it increased from 1.92 % to 2.14 %. The high dependence of countries on the transfer of technologies and innovations due to the negative values of their export and import balances has been proven. Their main share in 2020–2021 in the country falls on licenses – 51.39 % and 44.48 %, respectively, as well as franchises and trademarks – 38.55 % and 39.51 %, respectively. The results are explained by the lack of financial resources for the implementation of innovations, the lack of scientific research, etc.

The peculiarities of the conducted research are the use of a dynamic approach for the provision of a balance between innovations and sources of their financing, of strengthening the competitive positions of the transport system in the conditions of European integration. The scope of the results is the development of strategic innovative foundations for the transport system, and the conditions for their practical use are promising tools for financial and investment support.

Author Biographies

Тetiana Kоsova, National Aviation University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation

Serhii Smerichevskyi, National Aviation University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Marketing

Nadiia Antypenko, National Aviation University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation

Oleksii Mykhalchenko, National Aviation University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Public Management and Administration

Larіsa Raicheva, International Humanitarian University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Economy and International Economic Relations


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Innovative and financial modernization of transportation system based on international technology transfer




How to Cite

Kоsova Т., Smerichevskyi, S., Antypenko, N., Mykhalchenko, O., & Raicheva, L. (2023). Innovative and financial modernization of transportation system based on international technology transfer. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(13 (125), 47–56.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology