Development of quantum computing algorithm of technology for monitoring learning results




quantum algorithm, qubit, entanglement, facial recognition technology, proctoring, educational environment


The present publication considers implementing an online control proctoring system, with the possibility of using methods and models of pattern recognition using algorithmic quantum computing to conduct online exams. The study's object is the protection method within infrastructure proctoring systems in education. The study aims to create a security system for proctoring technology infrastructure in education. The article proposes an alternative approach to building protection systems with an effective recognition model using algorithmic quantum computing in proctoring platforms. This study addresses these issues and proposes a novel approach to generating a random cryptographic key using multimodal biometric technology. A presented quantum algorithm method for computer simulation of the data processing quantum principles allows studying and analysing how the created model for transforming a classical image into a quantum state works. This method also shows the possibilities of quantum information theory in interpreting classical problems or how to optimise the same, taking into account the development of methods for the functioning of models and algorithms for quantum computing, data protection and security of online video communications in a proctoring system in an educational environment. The novelty of this research is expressed primarily in the constant updating and addition of authentication systems using quantum computing in various aspects, including the proctoring system in the educational environment. Also, scientific novelty is associated with insufficient similar research in the information space. The practical significance is due to the need in the current situation to attract attention to existing problems in structuring the infrastructure of a monitoring system within planning and coordinating the protection, thereby enhancing learning outcomes by eliminating security flaws using a quantum computing algorithm for pattern recognition

Author Biographies

Galiya Yesmagambetova, Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov

Master of Technical Sciences

Department of Information and Communication Technologies

Alimbubi Aktayeva, Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University


Department of Information Systems and Informatics

Akky Kubigenova, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University

Master of Technical Sciences

Department of Information Systems and Informatics

Aigerim Ismukanova, Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov

Master of Technical Sciences

Department of Information and Communication Technologies

Tatyana Fomichyova, Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov

Master of Technical Sciences

Department of Information and Communication Technologies

Seilkhan Zhartanov, Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University

Master of Technical Sciences

Department of Information Systems and Informatics

Aidyn Daurenova, Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University

Master of Technical Sciences

Department of Information Systems and Informatics


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Development of quantum computing algorithm of technology for monitoring learning results




How to Cite

Yesmagambetova, G., Aktayeva, A., Kubigenova, A., Ismukanova, A., Fomichyova, T., Zhartanov, S., & Daurenova, A. (2024). Development of quantum computing algorithm of technology for monitoring learning results. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(2 (129), 69–82.