Substantiating the feasibility of using hemp seed protein in cooked sausage technology




hemp seed protein, boiled sausage, functional and technological indicators, energy value


The object of this study was the technology of cooked sausages with hemp seed protein. The research considers determining the effectiveness of using protein from hemp seeds in the technology of cooked sausages to increase the nutritional value and improve the functional and technological indicators when replacing part of the meat raw material. The subject of the research was meat model systems, cooked sausage with hemp seed protein.

Three prototypes of cooked sausages based on the analog were developed. In experimental samples of cooked sausages, second-grade beef was replaced with protein from hemp seeds (Cannabis Sativa L.) (ToV "Desnaland", Ukraine) in amounts of 12, 14, and 16 %. The functional and technological indicators of hemp seed protein were previously investigated at hydromodules of 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3. It was found that hydrated hemp seed protein in a ratio of 1:1 had the best parameters for introduction into minced meat systems.

It was determined that the introduction of proteins from hemp seeds (hydromodule 1:1) in the amount of 12–16 % increases the water-binding capacity of minced meat to 97.8 %, plasticity by 16.19–23.85 %, and the content of total moisture in samples of cooked sausages after heat treatment by 5.08–7.08 %, yield of the finished product up to 129.83 %. Replacing second-grade beef in cooked sausage with protein from hemp seeds causes an increase in the mass fraction of protein in finished products by 14.99–19.98 %, and mineral substances by 68.52–97.22 %. The organoleptic indicators of the experimental cooked sausages met the regulatory requirements. The safety of the developed products was established according to microbiological indicators.

It has been proven that the use of hydrated protein from hemp seeds in the technology of cooked sausages in the amount of 12–14 % makes it possible to obtain a meat product with a high level of functional and technological indicators of model meat systems and organoleptic indicators of finished products. The use of protein from hemp seeds in the production of cooked sausages makes it possible to expand the range of products popular among the population

Author Biographies

Vasyl Pasichnyi, National University of Food Technologies

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Technology of Meat and Meat Products

Oleksandr Shevchenko, National University of Food Technologies

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


Vasyl Tischenko, Sumy National Agrarian University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Technology and Food Safety

Nataliia Bozhko, Medical Institute of Sumy State University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Biophysics, Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Biomolecular Engineering

Andrii Marynin, National University of Food Technologies

PhD, Associate professor, Head of Laboratory

Problem Scientific and Research Laboratory

Igor Strashynskyi, National University of Food Technologies

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Technology of Meat and Meat Products

Yuliiа Matsuk, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Food Technologies


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Substantiating the feasibility of using hemp seed protein in cooked sausage technology




How to Cite

Pasichnyi, V., Shevchenko, O., Tischenko, V., Bozhko, N., Marynin, A., Strashynskyi, I., & Matsuk, Y. (2024). Substantiating the feasibility of using hemp seed protein in cooked sausage technology. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(11 (130), 56–66.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production