Integrated express-evaluation of air quality under changing industrial infrastructure of the region


  • Дмитро Леонідович Пляцук Sumy State University Str. Rymskogo-Korsakova 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007, Ukraine



air, industrial infrastructure, pollutants, express-evaluation, bioindication, asymmetry, leaves, bark


As a result of the research, the relationship between the ecological condition of the urban environment and fluctuating changes in the foliage asymmetry of trees, most common in the study area was revealed. The most appropriate urban air pollution indicator plants in accordance with the bioindicative sensitivity set of tree crops were identified. The dependence between the ecological condition of the urban environment and fluctuating changes in foliage asymmetry of trees, most common in the study area was found. The maximum asymmetry index of white birch was observed in the north-eastern pilot section, which is caused by emissions from the chemical industry. This allows to trace the trend of the environmental quality transition from the "pre-critical" condition to "critical". The integral asymmetry index of the leaf blade for areas with different anthropogenic impact levels under a changing industrial infrastructure of the city was designed. Within three years, the integral index increased (in 2012 - 0,048; 2013 - 0,058; 2014 - 0,059). To view the distribution of toxic substances in the city, the study of pH values of bark of trees, related in their properties to the species with a poor bark, which showed that there is a rise in the tree bark pH in most of the study city area was conducted.

The resulting data of bioindicative research will allow to develop a number of administrative decisions and measures to reduce the value of the environmental risk indicator with increasing anthropogenic impact.

Author Biography

Дмитро Леонідович Пляцук, Sumy State University Str. Rymskogo-Korsakova 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007


The department of applied ecology


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How to Cite

Пляцук, Д. Л. (2015). Integrated express-evaluation of air quality under changing industrial infrastructure of the region. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(6(75), 58–63.