approximation, nonlinear least-squares method, uniform distribution of dots, derivatives, characteristic dots, ramp, differential equation, transitional process, error, control object.Abstract
The article represents the parameters identification algorithm of the second order element, which approximates the experimental curve of the transitional process, using a nonlinear least-squares method. The main purpose of the work is to compare the methods of selection of initial data for identification algorithm: by uniform distribution of dots on the ramp and according to the characteristic dots, and detection of approximation errors depending on the number of dots on the ramp. Obtained research results indicate that at approximation of equivalent control object by differential equation of the second order, it is appropriate to take characteristic dots of the curve of transitional transformer of equivalent control object, as the initial data, because to provide a given accuracy, they are required 1.5-3 times less than the algorithm of equal distribution of dots. It further allows facilitating the analysis and optimization of dynamic characteristics of automatic control system and simplifying the search of settings of regulator according to quadratic optimization function.References
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