Hubs wind flow vertically - axis wind installations to increase the utilization of wind energy


  • Людмила Георгіївна Рожкова Sumy National Agrarian University str. Kirov, 160, Sumy 40021, Ukraine
  • Сергій Павлович Кулініч Sumy State University str. R. Korsakov, 2, Sumy 40007, Ukraine



wind generator, hub flow, vertical axis wind installation.


Nowadays much attention is paid to the utilization of alternative and renewal sources of energy. Their share in the world energy – balance has already reached the imposing size and the further development of this direction is foreseen. In this connection the increase of the effectiveness of installations, which utilize the renewal sources of energy, has the priority. The employment of the wind-installations, the intensifiers of the wind flow, that can increase the effectiveness, the principles of their operation, constructions, are examined in this article. It should be noted that the intensifiers of the wind flow, used for the wind –installations with vertical axes, has not been investigated and elaborated enough.

Author Biographies

Людмила Георгіївна Рожкова, Sumy National Agrarian University str. Kirov, 160, Sumy 40021


Сергій Павлович Кулініч, Sumy State University str. R. Korsakov, 2, Sumy 40007

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of applied fluid mechanics


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How to Cite

Рожкова, Л. Г., & Кулініч, С. П. (2012). Hubs wind flow vertically - axis wind installations to increase the utilization of wind energy. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(8(59), 20–23.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment