Optimization of process parameters of chrome plating for providing quality indicators of reciprocating pumps parts





process parameters, electrochemical chrome plating, spilling solution, microhardness, wear, roughness, taper, machining


The analysis of methods of surface hardening to improve wear resistance and corrosion resistance of replacement parts of double-acting reciprocating pump hydraulics is performed. Application of electrochemical chrome plating of parts in the spilling solution, which provides wear-resistant coatings with high surface quality is justified. The influence of process parameters of chrome plating of steel parts: mass ratio of the solution component concentrations (C), current density (i), solution flow rate (v) and solution temperature (T) on the microhardness (Yh), wear (Yw), roughness (Yr) and taper (Yt) using mathematical experimental design is investigated. The optimum values of process parameters which provide maximum microhardness, minimum wear, minimum roughness and  taper of the chromium coating are determined.

It is found that the maximum microhardness of the chromium coating provides minimum wear. Optimum process parameters are within the factor space. To achieve minimum roughness and taper, process parameters are outside the space factor. Based on the results of studies, it is recommended to take the optimum process parameters of electrochemical chrome plating in the spilling solution as those that provide minimum wear of the coating: Yw=0.095 g: C=79.5; i=133.5 A/dm2; v=114.7 cm/s; T=59.3 оС, and the necessary surface roughness and taper of the part is advisable to obtain in further machining operations.

Author Biographies

Liubomyr Ropyak, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas 15 Karpatska str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76019

PhD, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor,

Department of Computer Engineering Manufacturing

Vasyl Ostapovych, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas 15 Karpatska str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76019


Department of Computer Engineering Manufacturing


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How to Cite

Ropyak, L., & Ostapovych, V. (2016). Optimization of process parameters of chrome plating for providing quality indicators of reciprocating pumps parts. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(5(80), 50–62. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2016.65719