Formation of a system approach to the optimization of marketing management at an enterprise




marketing management, system approach, clustering, machine-building enterprise


The problem of forming a system approach to the application of marketing management to the activities of machine–building enterprises is theoretically substantiated and solved. A system of marketing management of the activities of industrial enterprises was designed. A model of the system of marketing management of an enterprise was constructed. The model contains elements of marketing research, it is based on strategic, tactical and operational management of marketing activities, implies formation of an algorithm of optimization of organizational structures of marketing, and the result of its implementation is the design of a scenario-based approach to substantiating decisions regarding increase in efficiency of marketing management at machine-building enterprises.

The process of making management decisions about the organization of marketing activities is based on economic-mathematical modeling and provides the alternativity of choice among creation, reengineering, improvement of organizational structure of marketing, a form of fulfilling marketing activities without creating rigid organizational systems and/or delegating part of marketing functions to the outsourcing by specialized consulting company. The model of optimizing a system of marketing management of an enterprise was proposed, which takes into account clusterization of enterprises by the characteristic of fulfilling marketing functions; the process of management decision making was improved regarding the choice of an optimal structure of organization of marketing management at an enterprise.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Kovalchuk, Khmelnytsky National University Institutskaya str., 11, Khmelnytsky, Ukraine, 29016

Doctor of economic science, Professor, Head of department

Department of marketing and merchandising

Dmytro Kobets, Khmelnytsky National University Institutskaya str., 11, Khmelnytsky, Ukraine, 29016

Candidate of economic science, Senior Lecturer

Department of accounting and auditing

Ludmyla Dybchuk, Khmelnytsky National University Institutskaya str., 11, Khmelnytsky, Ukraine, 29016

Candidate of historical science, Associate professor,

Department of marketing and merchandising


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How to Cite

Kovalchuk, S., Kobets, D., & Dybchuk, L. (2016). Formation of a system approach to the optimization of marketing management at an enterprise. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(4(81), 4–12.



Mathematics and Cybernetics - applied aspects