Viscosity evaluation of the mixture of coal tars from collection main and primary cooler on the base of rheometer measurements and empirical formulas




mixture viscosity, empirical relationship, coal tar, gas collecting main, primary cooler


Viscosity of heavy and light coal tars from the coking process of coal blends with a decreasing portion of Ukrainian coal was measured. In addition, measurement of viscosity of mixtures of coal tar was carried out. Concentration of mixture met the standards of the regulations of the washing liquids for gas space of primary cooler. The temperature dependence of the viscosity of the tar mixture was evaluated according to some empirical equations. In particular, the equations have been used considering deviations from the ideal state. The viscosity of the individual samples of heavy and light tars was not appropriately investigated. This also applies to the temperature dependence. This is common practice for coal tar viscosity measurements in Engler units. Also, there are no empirical relationships; we cannot predict the viscosity of the tar when mixed, as we do for the petroleum oil matter. Anomalous decline in viscosity with the addition of 5–20 % light tar that corresponded to the minimum activation energy of viscous flow was revealed experimentally.

Author Biographies

Alexander Pasternak, PJSC “Avdeevsky koksokhimichaskiy zavod” Industrialniy driveway, 1, Avdiivka, Ukraine, 86065

Chief Engineer

Leonid Bannikov, Ukrainian State Research Institute of Carbochemistry (UKHIN) Vesnina str., 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61023

PhD, Head of department

Department of chemical 

Anna Smirnova, Ukrainian State Research Institute of Carbochemistry (UKHIN) Vesnina str., 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61023

Science engineer


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How to Cite

Pasternak, A., Bannikov, L., & Smirnova, A. (2016). Viscosity evaluation of the mixture of coal tars from collection main and primary cooler on the base of rheometer measurements and empirical formulas. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(1(82), 17–23.



Industrial and Technology Systems