Development of a two-step technology of scouring wool by the method of high-energy discrete treatment




Tsigeian wool, Sulside, residual grease content, acid number


The process of pretreatment of wool fiber is the main factor, which determines the state of the raw material base of wool. The prime cost and the quality of the finished products depend on how and in what way wool scouring was performed. The traditional technologies of the wool pretreatment are expensive and inefficient; furthermore, the problem of extraction of wool grease from the used washing waters is not paid sufficient attention to. The solution to this problem is applying innovative technology of high­energy discrete processing.

Based on the conducted experimental studies, we proposed the technology of two­stage wool scouring by the method of high­energy discrete processing, which includes the following sequence of technological operations: mechanical scouring of wool, the high­energy discrete processing of wool for 3 minutes, washing of wool in the SAS solution with the concentration of 1,5 g/l, at the temperature of 45 °C, washing of wool in clean water, drying.

It was determined that the application of high­energy discrete processing of wool fiber for 3 minutes at the stage of washing contributes to improvement of the qualitative characteristics and to the increase in the output of wool grease up to 96 % in comparison with the amount of grease extracted from the unprocessed fiber.

Author Biographies

Alexandra Kunik, Kherson National Technical University Berislav highway, 24, Kherson, Ukraine, 73008

PhD, Junior Researcher

Research sector

Olga Semeshko, Kherson National Technical University Berislav highway, 24, Kherson, Ukraine, 73008

PhD, Researcher

Research sector

Tatiana Asaulyuk, Kherson National Technical University Berislav highway, 24, Kherson, Ukraine, 73008

Junior Researcher

Research sector

Yulia Saribyekova, Kherson National Technical University Berislav highway, 24, Kherson, Ukraine, 73008

Doctor of technical sciences, chief researcher

Research sector

Sergey Myasnykov, Kherson National Technical University Berislav highway, 24, Kherson, Ukraine, 73008


Department of chemical technology, expertise and food safety


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How to Cite

Kunik, A., Semeshko, O., Asaulyuk, T., Saribyekova, Y., & Myasnykov, S. (2016). Development of a two-step technology of scouring wool by the method of high-energy discrete treatment. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(10(82), 36–43.