Data collecting system of condition box units of rolling stock


  • Надежда Васильевна Махортова Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University, Molodizhny bl., 20а, Luhansk, Ukraine, 91034, Ukraine



rolling stock, box unit, bearing, defect, control.


The growth of speeds of train service, increase of the axle load, prolongation of terms between planned inspections, optimization of transportation process, reduction of the number of serviced line stations make it necessary to control the condition of a rolling stock by technical means and aim to improve transport safety.
Therefore, the creation of a diagnostic system to control the condition of the box units of the railway transport is important.
The article provides the classification of defects of the box units. A block diagram of the system for collection of information on the state of boxes of the rolling stock was suggested. The application of the diagnostic systems on line rail stations was justified.
The control of condition of box units should not be done at a depot or at railway stations, but continuously during operation. The diagnostics during the operation will permit to analyze quickly the technical condition of the boxes.
The diagnostic systems should meet further requirements: the non-contact control; the operating time of equipment should match the speed of the passage of the rolling stock; data on the condition of box units must be sent to the nearest line station.

Author Biography

Надежда Васильевна Махортова, Volodymyr Dahl East-Ukrainian National University, Molodizhny bl., 20а, Luhansk, Ukraine, 91034

Senior lecturer


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How to Cite

Махортова, Н. В. (2013). Data collecting system of condition box units of rolling stock. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(2(61), 54–56.



Information technology