Heat transfer of tube bundles with equally increased surface
tube, bundle, equally increased surface, heat exchange, generalization, calculation.Abstract
The article is devoted to the experimental studies of convective heat transfer of tube bundles with the equally increased surface, which were held in range of Reynolds numbers from 5,000 to 70,000, in order to create high-performance heat exchangers with reduced mass and volume.The study of convective heat transfer of the chess tube bundles with the equally increased surface during the cross flow of the air-blow were carried out on the experimental installation, which was represented by the open type wind tunnel with rectangular cross section. The studies were conducted by the local thermal simulation method.
For the first time we have obtained resumptive dependences for the calculation of convective heat transfer coefficients in the tube bundles with the equally increased surface. For the first time we have demonstrated the influence of the geometric characteristics of the tubes and the parameter of their location in the bundle on the heat transfer intensity. The comparative analysis of the tube bundles with the equally increased surface and the bundles of smooth tubes of the same outside diameter was carried out. It was shown that the intensity of heat transfer in the tube bundles with the equally increased surface has been 1.1-1.3 times higher.
These studies can be used to develop the regenerative heat exchangers of high thermal aerodynamical efficiency, used in the heat and power engineering, petrochemical industry, gas compressor units of gas transportation system of Ukraine.
These results can be the basis of thermal calculations while designing new heat exchangers from the tubes with the equally increased surface.
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