Combinatorial solutions of the problem of optimization of topology of the systems ofv hydropower utilization of industrial enterprises


  • Віктор Леонідович Коваленко Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy, Lenina 226, Zaporozhye, 69006, Ukraine



combinatorics, hydropower utilization system, secondary hydropower.


The calculation of systems of utilization of hydropower resources of industrial enterprises with optimized structure and parameters is a very complex task that requires the development of an appropriate mathematical tool. As the amount of generated power from the secondary hydropower resource depends on the topology of such systems, it is obvious that solution of this problem will provide the best energy and economic indicators. Therefore, the article presents algorithmic and software tools with algorithms of combinatorial integration of sources of secondary water with the hydropower resources collection center, which allow the determination of the optimal topology of hydropower utilization system, according to the selected criteria. To implement this goal, the mathematical apparatus, based on the construction of modified trees, was used. The algorithm is based on the heuristic method of calculation, and it implements the exhaustive method and considers options, where sources of secondary water in the collection centers are not available, i.e. ”zero options.”
This approach will permit to consider all possible combinations of the integration of sources of secondary water with hydropower resources collection centers and to choose the best of them according to a certain criterion, i.e. to calculate the hydropower utilization system with optimal structure and parameters.

Author Biography

Віктор Леонідович Коваленко, Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy, Lenina 226, Zaporozhye, 69006

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Department of Electrical and Energy Management


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How to Cite

Коваленко, В. Л. (2013). Combinatorial solutions of the problem of optimization of topology of the systems ofv hydropower utilization of industrial enterprises. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(8(61), 34–36.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment