Studying the operational efficiency of the centrifugal-impact feed grain crusher of the new design


  • Michael Volkhonov Федеральне державне бюджетне освітня установа вищої освіти "Костромська державна сільськогосподарська академія" ФГБОУ ПІД Костромська ГСХА Учбове містечко, 34, Костромська область, Костромська район, п. Караваєво, Росія, 156530, Російська Федерація
  • Anton Abalikhin Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy named after D. K. Belyaev" Sovetskaya str., 45, Ivanovo, Russia, 153012, Російська Федерація
  • Alexander Krupin Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy named after D. K. Belyaev" Sovetskaya str., 45, Ivanovo, Russia, 153012, Російська Федерація
  • Ivan Maximov Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Chuvash state agricultural Academy" K. Marx str., 29, Cheboksary, Russia, 428032, Російська Федерація


Ключові слова:

feed grain, centrifugal-impact crusher, coarsely ground grain, grain grinding degree, grain crusher


Crushing feed grain involves hammer crushers, which are characterized by high specific energy consumption and its uneven fractional composition. It is possible to obtain high-quality shredded grain with less energy when using a centrifugal-impact crusher of the new design with a hole in the loading neck to supply the chopping chamber with additional air at a rate of up to 4.8 m/s. An additional hole provides a 1.8...13-time increase in the airspeed through the unloading neck when the rotor’s rotation frequency changes from 3,750 to 2,250 min–1, thereby enabling the timely evacuation of the shredded material from the crusher.

The regression equations have been derived to determine the structural and regime parameters of the shredder, which ensure the maximal performance and minimal unit energy costs. The greatest impact on crusher productivity is exerted by the diameter of the sieve holes and the area of the bunker’s unloading window. The greatest effect on the specific energy intensity of the grinding process is exerted by the diameter of the sieve holes. The maximal performance of the crusher, 1,440 kg/h, and the minimal energy capacity, taking into consideration the achieved grinding degree, of 2.1 W∙s/(kg∙grinding degree unit), are observed when using a sieve with the holes’ diameter of 7 mm, the rotor’s rotation frequency of 3,500 min–1, and the maximally open unloading window of the bunker, at F=1.458 m2·10–3. The specific energy consumption for chopping barley is less by 1.22...1.89 times than that of the hammer crushers RVO 35, DB-5, KD-2A. The dust-like fraction is less than 5.74 %, which is half the amount of the hammer crusher DM-6. The rational crusher operation modes have been determined in order to prepare feed grain for feeding farm animals of different species and ages

Біографії авторів

Michael Volkhonov, Федеральне державне бюджетне освітня установа вищої освіти "Костромська державна сільськогосподарська академія" ФГБОУ ПІД Костромська ГСХА Учбове містечко, 34, Костромська область, Костромська район, п. Караваєво, Росія, 156530

Доктор технічних наук, професор

Кафедра «Технічні системи в агропромисловому комплексі»

Anton Abalikhin, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy named after D. K. Belyaev" Sovetskaya str., 45, Ivanovo, Russia, 153012

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Technical Service and Mechanics

Alexander Krupin, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy named after D. K. Belyaev" Sovetskaya str., 45, Ivanovo, Russia, 153012

Senior Lecturer

Department of Technical Systems in Agribusiness

Ivan Maximov, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Chuvash state agricultural Academy" K. Marx str., 29, Cheboksary, Russia, 428032

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Transport and Technological Machines and Complexes


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Як цитувати

Volkhonov, M., Abalikhin, A., Krupin, A., & Maximov, I. (2020). Studying the operational efficiency of the centrifugal-impact feed grain crusher of the new design. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(1 (107), 44–51.



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