Stabilisation of gummy gingerbread quality during storage




waxy wheat flour, amylopectin, gummy gingerbreads, staling, starch retrogradation


The relevance of searching for solutions, aimed at slowing the staling of bakery products is shown in the paper. The most common ways to ensure freshness of these products, one of which is using waxy wheat flour, starch of which consists only of amylopectin, are considered. Based on the analysis of changes in physicochemical quality indicators of gummy gingerbreads, crumbliness of crumb, its hydrophilic and structural-mechanical properties during storage, the feasibility of using waxy wheat flour in the technology of gummy gingerbreads to stabilize their quality characteristics during storage is shown. Longer preservation of freshness - slowing the moisture loss, less intense change of crumbliness and hydrophilic properties of the crumb, preserving softer consistency of gingerbread products using the amylose-free flour testifies to slowing their staling during storage. This is caused by the technological properties and composition of waxy wheat flour – high water-absorbing and water-binding abilities, lower starch gelatinization temperature, high autolytic activity and starch retrogradation slowing as compared to baking wheat flour.

It is found that using waxy wheat flour is one of the effective ways to solve the problem of fast staling of gummy gingerbreads.

Author Biographies

Екатерина Георгиевна Иоргачева, Odessa national academy of food technologies Kanatnaia St. 112, Odessa, Ukraine 65039


Department of technology of bread, confectionery, pasta and food concentrates

Ольга Васильевна Макарова, Odessa national academy of food technologies Kanatnaya St. 112, Odessa, Ukraine 65039

Candidate of science, docent

Chair of Bakery, Confectionary, Macaroni products and Food concentrate technologies

Екатерина Владимировна Хвостенко, Odessa national academy of food technologies Kanatnaya St. 112, Odessa, Ukraine 65039

PhD student

Chair of Bakery, Confectionary, Macaroni products and Food concentrate technologies


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How to Cite

Иоргачева, Е. Г., Макарова, О. В., & Хвостенко, Е. В. (2014). Stabilisation of gummy gingerbread quality during storage. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(12(68), 138–143.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production