Improving the storage technology of persimmon fruit (Diospyros kaki L.) In the refrigeration chamber




persimmon varieties – Khachia, Khiakume, oxidoreductases, total sugar, phenolic compounds


Persimmon fruits (Diospyros kaki L.) attract the attention of researchers due to their high nutritional and medicinal value. The composition of persimmon is rich in nutrients. The object of research is the storage technology of persimmon. Fully ripe persimmon varieties Khachia and Khiakume were used as research material. If the activity of enzymes is inhibited or reduced during refrigerated storage using a controlled gas environment, then the consumption of nutrients for respiration will decrease, and the fruits will retain their original appearance. The persimmon varieties used were stored in refrigerators for 5 months in five variants. In persimmon fruits of both varieties, quantitative changes in the main indicators during refrigerated storage were studied. The regularities of changes in the activity of enzymes of the oxidoructase class depending on the composition of the controlled gas medium and the content of phenolic compounds were considered.

As a result of the analyzes, a rational regime for storing persimmon varieties in a refrigerator under CGE conditions with a gas composition of 3–4 % CO2 and 2–3 % O2, a temperature of ‒2...–3 °C and an air humidity of 90–95 % was determined. During the storage period, the activity of all enzymes, except for ascorbate oxidase, completely ceased (except for the catalase enzyme in the Khachia variety). During long-term storage of the Khachia variety in a refrigerator, the activity of the enzyme ascorbate oxidase decreased by 94 %, o-diphenol oxidase and peroxidase decreased by 100 %, catalase by 95.5 %. Ascorbate oxidase activity decreased by 94.5 % in persimmon fruits of the Khiakume variety, and the activity of other enzymes was completely inhibited. To achieve this result, it is important that the activity of oxidoreductases decreases or passes into an inhibitory state. The results make it possible to regulate the quality indicators of persimmon varieties depending on their storage modes and use them to provide people with fresh fruits not seasonally but for a long time

Author Biographies

Yashar Omarov, Azerbaijan Technological University

Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, Assistant Professor

Department of Food Engineering and Expertise

Sevda Gurbanova, Azerbaijan Technological University

Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, Acting Assistant Professor

Department of Food Engineering and Expertise

Ulduz Babayeva, Azerbaijan Technological University

Doctor of Philosophy in Technics, Acting Assistant Professor

Department of Food Engineering and Expertise

Afet Gasimova, Azerbaijan Technological University

Doctor of Philosophy in Technics, Associate Professor

Department of Food Engineering and Expertise

Elnur Heydarov, Azerbaijan Technological University

Doctor of Philosophy in Technics, Associate Professor

Department of Food Engineering and Expertise

Gultakin Gasimova, Ganja State University

Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, Acting Assistant Professor

Department of Ecology and Nature Conservation

Ahad Nabiyev, Azerbaijan Technological University

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

Department of Food Engineering and Expertise


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Improving the storage technology of persimmon fruit (Diospyros kaki L.) In the refrigeration chamber




How to Cite

Omarov, Y., Gurbanova, S., Babayeva, U., Gasimova, A., Heydarov, E., Gasimova, G., & Nabiyev, A. (2023). Improving the storage technology of persimmon fruit (Diospyros kaki L.) In the refrigeration chamber . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(11 (124), 20–36.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production