Minimizing sweet cherry fruit losses during storage under the influence of hydrocooling and protective organic composition




sweet cherry fruits, natural losses, microbiological diseases, physiological disorders, regression model, minimization criterion


Reducing fruit losses is one of the most important strategies for improving diets and strengthening food systems. Therefore, improving modern technologies for storing sweet cherries, assessing the potential of the necessary capacities and technologies for fruit storage to reduce post-harvest losses and extend the shelf life of fruits remains relevant. Improvement of pre-cooling methods optimize the shelf life of fresh fruit and contributes to the growth of demand for fruit by consumers in the European market. The object of the study is the technology of pretreatment of sweet cherry fruits using an organic composition. The fruits of the model variety Valerii Chkalov were used as experimental material.

The minimum natural losses from microbiological diseases and physiological disorders were recorded on the 40th day of sweet cherry fruit storage. Fruit weight losses during storage of sweet cherries of the Valerii Chkalov variety were minimal when hydro cooling was applied in combination with a protective organic composition of lactic and acetic acid (1.75 %:2.00 %). The optimum concentration of lactic and acetic acids (2.00 %:1.75 %) was determined, which ensures minimal daily fruit losses (0.068 %) under the influence of hydro-cooling during storage of sweet cherries. The analysis of the regression model reveled the optimal value of the average level of daily losses during storage of sweet cherry fruit of Valerii Chkalov variety – 0.0642 % at concentrations of lactic and acetic acid 2.161 % to 1.705 %, respectively. The tendency to minimize sweet cherry fruit losses during storage under the influence of hydrocooling and the optimal concentration of organic acids in the protective composition was identified. The results could be used to improve pre-cooling methods in the food industry to preserve the quality of fruit raw materials in a waste-free fruit supply chain for all relevant stakeholders

Author Biographies

Iryna Ivanova, Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University


Profesor Valentyna Kalytka Department of Crop Production and Horticulture

Marina Serdyuk, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Tourism

Tetiana Tymoshchuk, Polissia National University


Department of Health of Phytocenoses and Trophology

Vira Malkina, Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University

Doctor of Technial Sciences

Department of Computer Science

Olha Zinovieva, Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University

Department of Computer Science

Dina Lisohurska, Polissia National University


Department Feeding, Animal Breeding and Biodiversity Conservation

Olha Nevmerzhytska, Polissia National University


Department of Health of Phytocenoses and Trophology

Olha Lisohurska, Polissia National University


Department Technologies of Production, Processing and Quality of Animal Husbandry products


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Minimizing sweet cherry fruit losses during storage under the influence of hydrocooling and protective organic composition




How to Cite

Ivanova, I., Serdyuk, M., Tymoshchuk, T., Malkina, V., Zinovieva, O., Lisohurska, D., Nevmerzhytska, O., & Lisohurska, O. (2024). Minimizing sweet cherry fruit losses during storage under the influence of hydrocooling and protective organic composition. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(11 (130), 16–25.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production