Using rice in technology of non-alcoholic fermented beverages




rice, extract, kvass mash concentrate, yeast, lactic acid bacteria, mash, acidity, fermentation duration


Industrial production of non-alcoholic fermented beverages in Ukraine is represented by bread kvass only, which significantly limits the consumer needs. Besides, kvass mash concentrate as the main raw material contains compounds that negatively affect the cultures of microorganisms and, consequently, the fermentation process.

The results of research on determining the possibility of using the rice grain extract to intensify the technology of non-alcoholic fermented beverages and expand their range were presented. Physicochemical and organoleptic properties of mash at various proportions of the kvass and rice mash were defined. It was found that replacing kvass mash with rice mash up to 30% has little effect on its organoleptic characteristics. The fermentation dynamics at different proportions of the kvass and rice mash was investigated. The feasibility of such replacement was proved. However, due to increased amount of nutrients, fermentation duration is reduced from 36 hours (kvass mash) to 18 hours (rice mash). Analysis of the organoleptic characteristics of beverages, made of the mash of the studied samples revealed that replacing the kvass mash with rice mash up to 30% has little effect on the flavor-aromatic characteristics, typical for the bread kvass. When using the rice mash only, the beverage has original properties that are different from bread kvass. Using various aromatic raw materials at the blending stage will allow to expand significantly the range of this type of beverages.

Thus, the research results show the prospects for using the rice extract for producing non-alcoholic fermented beverages.

Author Biographies

Віталій Леонідович Прибильський, National University of Food Technologies str. Volodymyrska 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Professor, Doctor of technical sciences

Department of biotechnology of Fermentative Products and Wine-making

Роман Миколайович Мукоїд, National University of Food Technologies str. Volodymyrska 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Candidate of technical science

Department of biotechnology of Fermentative Products and Wine-making

Нгуен Фионг Донг, National University of Food Technologies str. Volodymyrska 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

PhD student

Department of biotechnology of Fermentative Products and Wine-making


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How to Cite

Прибильський, В. Л., Мукоїд, Р. М., & Донг, Н. Ф. (2015). Using rice in technology of non-alcoholic fermented beverages. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(10(78), 33–36.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production